Welcome back! In the last update I changed up the writing style a little and I think it works better for me. Queen also had twin girls.


I was still writing and trying to get my writing career to really take off but it was so hard with 4 kids.


Stacey was trying to help with the kids more just so I could write more.


But before we knew it it was the twins birthday. Constance grew up beautiful but Lilly scared me. Was this the curse my mother told me about that ruined her sisters tribe?


I asked Stacey to read my future but was hardly impressed. It was very vague and was just about our “everlasting love” If only he knew.


Constance and Bubba were great friends and you could often find them playing together with her IF doll.


Ever since Stacey started his protest the cops have been outside of our house looking for him. It makes me so very nervous.


The older twins are still doing great. Since learning all of their skills they are pretty independent.


I felt as though it was time to try again for another baby. Stacey wasn’t to excited about having 6 kids all under the age of 5 but I told him not worry the older twins would be aging up soon and would be at school.


Like I said the work of a Queen bee is never done.


Toddler training all over again, wasn’t the most exciting part of this but I was blessed to be able to do it.


I decided if Stacey and I were going to be together for another 20 years or so he really needed to upgrade his look. I got rid of that HORRIBLE shirt.


It was trick or treat time of the year and I decided to call over a few of our friends for a Feast Party.


But before the party could start I felt that oh so familiar nausea.


I ran out the bathroom to tell Stacey only to find him giving a private reading to poor Pip. It’s safe to say Pip wont be a returning customer anytime soon.


The entire party the quads, as I’ve started calling them due to them being so close in age, played on the activity table together and made some lasting friendships.


By the end of the night Eafs grew up into an adult.

Thank you for reading & Happy simming.

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